West Chester parking.

One of my favorite things about living in West Chester (and having our own garage), is I don’t have to park on the street. When we want to go out to dinner or grab gelato, we walk. Library? We load up the kids into the stroller. Sure, it’s a haul, but exercise, and the beauty of being able to pull right up to the front door. No circling the block, no reversing into oncoming traffic so you can attempt to squeeze into a spot two feet longer than your actual car, no scouring for permit parking signs, no surprise ticket when you learn missed one.  

Of course even with the best intentions, we all have to park at some point. For me, it’s become a nearly daily occurrence as I pick up the kids at daycare. I usually try to grab street parking but that means a) quarters and b) the perfectly-timed exiting vehicle. So, occasionally I am forced to the in the Chestnut Street parking garage.   

I typically dread this experience. I know in the grand scheme of things there are worse experiences, but I always seem to be running behind and in the era of 4G networks and self-driving cars, I just feel like paying for parking shouldn’t be this difficult. 

The system was notoriously slow and finicky if you didn’t insert your credit card for a slow 10 count you often had to start again. I’ve hit this parking lot on a Wednesday evening to a line eight deep. Then, once the machine finally does spit out the ticket you have to run it back and place it in your windshield. Well, Chestnut Street Garage parkers I have some good news for you. 

Chestnut Street Parking Garage has a new payment kiosk!

Hallelujah. Implementation happened in spring so you may have already tried it. If not, I understand if you are sceptical, but it is pretty easy and as long as you remember your license plate number.  

How to Use the New Parking Kiosk


  1. Enter your license plate number. 
  2. Enter your payment. The kiosk accepts Visa, MasterCard or quarters. Now don’t worry that you haven’t selected your time yet, that comes next on this system. 
  3. The system defaults at 30 minutes/$0.50. If you need more time, use the +/- buttons on the left. 
  4. Get on with your day. See that was easy. 

I don’t know if any of the other garages use this particular system but earlier this summer the Parking Committee discussed adding them to lot # 9 at the 200 block of West Miner St. and Lot # 10, 50 block of W. Chestnut St. 

I hear there is also an ap, I haven’t had reason to try that yet, but if you do, let me know how it goes.

Plus, a great biking map for those who simply refuse.

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